Today we will talk about one of my favorite tools in Azure and Azure Governance in particular. That is the Azure Resource Graph and utilizing the Kusto Query Language (KQL). Using Resource Gra...
Cloud Migration Free E-Books
Here are a few free e-books that can be really useful when selecting your cloud migration strategy and when migrating your resources to Azure. They will give you a nice overview of tools, solutio...
I am now Microsoft Azure MVP
I am honored, thankful, and proud to announce that I was recognized as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in category Microsoft Azure for year 2020-2021. Congratulations MVP!!! You are now ...
Using Azure DevOps Pipeline to automatically build and publish your Jekyll static website
This article is part of the series where I hope to cover the most common cloud-unique scenarios for hosting your website. Depending on when you are reading this, some of them might not be publis...
Adding new Connection to the Azure ExpressRoute Circuit
If you already have an Azure ExpressRoute, and you are a serious user of Azure services, sooner or later you’ll get in the situation when you need to add more connections to your circuit. The goo...
Introduction to Azure Governance
Introduction of the Public Cloud has dramatically changed the speed at which companies adopt new technologies and expand their infrastructure. In our on-premises data center, we are used to the...
New project:
Hello Azure Family, I would like to present my new project, The basic idea behind the project was to create something to help people learn about Azure and interact with each othe...
How to use and monitor Azure Update Management
Welcome to the first annual Azure Spring Clean. It is time for clearing away unused Azure resources, accounts and RBAC roles. Mowing the grass of reports and recommendations from Azure Advisor. R...
Static Website Hosting in Microsoft Azure Storage
Because this entire blog is mostly about Azure, it was only logical to host it in there and use as many Azure services as possible. But that is not the only reason for it. Azure offers several ve...
Microsoft Azure Dictionary
Hello, nice to meet you. Do you speak Azure? This is a living reference post that explains various cloud and Azure specific terminology in simple terms. Cloud Computing Cloud computing offers c...